Where Can I See Moose in Utah

Utah has one of the smallest species of moose in Utah called the Shiras moose. These moose can be very hard to find because Utah does not have a very large population of moose. If you would like to learn more about Shiras moose click below!

So, where can I see moose in Utah? Moose are found in the more northern parts of Utah where it does not get as hot as southern Utah. Moose are often found where there is water close by. One of the common foods the moose eat is the moss and other water plants that grow in a lot of the remote water holes. These water holes can be a very good place to find moose. The water holes where they can be found are usually places where water is pretty stagnant and not moving. This allows large amounts of moss and other water plants to grow in them and attracts the moose into these ponds very often.

Moose also like to avoid populace areas. Because of that if you look for ponds about half a mile, plus, away from roads. One of the best ways to find moose is by using trail cameras. Trail cameras make it so you can see these awesome animals in a very safe way. Moose can be dangerous especially if people get too close to them. However, if you do want to see moose in person without the assistance of trail cameras, there are some places in Utah where they are more common to see.

One of the most common places to find moose in Utah is in the High Uintas. In this area, there are large amounts of water which make great habitat for moose. Another good spot to find moose is near Bear Lake and the Idaho border. Park City is also known for having larger numbers of moose as well.

This is a quick answer to the question of where I can see moose in Utah.