Wildlife in Utah

Utah has a large amount of wildlife. In a lot of cases, you can find Utah wildlife in your backyard (if you live in Utah)! There are a lot of common animals that you can see in Utah on a daily basis! These common animals can be seen below!

Most Common Wildlife in Utah

#1 Mule Deer

Mule deer are the most common animal that you will find in Utah! Mule deer can be found in all parts of Utah. Because the mule deer is the most common animal in Utah it is not uncommon to find them in almost every city in Utah. These deer are usually 150 to 300 pounds and are between 4 and 5 feet tall (Not including antlers). Male mule deer grow antlers starting in March of every after they fall off. These antlers are shed in February and March of every year. It is not uncommon for people in Utah to go out and look for these sheds every year. if you would like to learn more about mule deer click the mule deer button below!

#2 Elk

Elk are a very common animal to see in Utah. These animals are especially easy to find in the winter when the snow forces them down for the mountains into the lower valleys. These animals are big! They can weigh between 500 and 1000 pounds. They are 7 to 8 feet long and 4 and 1/2 to 6 feet tall at their shoulder. Male elk, like mule deer, also lose their antlers. They lose them between March and April of every year. Elk are also very vocal in September of every year and if you travel into the mountains during this time you can hear their mews and bugles.

#3 Coyotes

Coyotes are common to find in Utah. They are even common to find in cities near the mountains. Coyotes are about the size of a medium dog and usually travel in groups. It is also not uncommon to hear them barking and howling at night if they are nearby. If you would like to learn more about coyotes click the coyote button below!

Dangerous Wildlife in Utah

While there are many different kinds of wildlife in Utah, there are also lots of dangerous animals here. It’s also not uncommon to find some of these more dangerous animals near cities and towns.

Mountain Lions

Utahs Wildlife bridge

Mountain Lions can be very dangerous! They can weigh between 100 and 200 pounds and can be 6 to 8 feet long. Attacks from mountain lions are incredibly rare but still happen. Mountain lions are one of the biggest predators in Utah. If you would like to learn more about mountain lions click the mountain lion button below.

Black Bears

There are more and more black bears showing up in Utah as their population continually increases. Black bears come in all different sizes and colors. Black bears can range from blond to black. They can also weigh between 100 and 600 pounds making them the largest preditor in Utah. As the black bear population grows, attacks from black bears have also started to increase. They have also started visiting cities more often! Black bears can be very dangerous and should be given the space they deserve! Utah is bear country!

Shiras Moose

The shiras moose population is also on the rise and is the only species of moose in Utah! The shiras moose is the largest animal in Utah. Shiras moose are also very territorial and are known to be aggressive towards people. Moose are most aggressive when they have their babies (calves) with them. If you would like to learn more about Shiras moose click the moose button below!


Coyotes also fall under dangerous wildlife in Utah. A coyote is one of the most common predators in Utah. They will eat just about anything they can get their teeth into. They can pose an even bigger threat when they hunt in groups. These groups can have lots of coyotes in them. The largest group we have seen is 6 coyotes.


Bobcats are mostly nocturnal and it is incredibly rare for them to attack people. The bobcat is one of the smaller predators that Utah has. The Bobcats is only 12 inches to 20 inches tall at their shoulder and weigh around 25 to 40 pounds. While bobcat attacks rarely happen they still are dangerous animals that lives in Utah.


badger utah wildlife

Badgers are one of the more rare animals to come across in Utah. While their numbers are low in Utah they can be very fierce little creatures. Badgers have very sharp claws and teeth and are very aggressive predators. While attacks from the bobcat are rare, they are still dangerous and can harm people.


Utah has 3 species of fox. They are the red, grey, and desert fox. While fox attacks are incredibly rare they still happen. The fox is always fun to find in the mountains. But like any other preditor deserves its space and will attack if it feels threatened.

Rare Wildlife in Utah

Ring Tales

We are still hoping to find one of these awesome little guys. But they are incredibly rare to see even on trial camera!

Gila Monster

While the Gila monster is mostly found in the deserts of Arizona, there have been a few siting of them in southern parts of Utah. A Gila monster is a black and yellow striped lizard that is usually around 22 inches long. They are one of the only poisonous lizards in the world. A Gila monster will bite and gnaw on its target to help spread its venom deeper into the bodies of its prey.

Flying Squirrels

This squirrel is a really rare animal to see in Utah. The flying squirrel is mostly nocturnal. They are usually found in the more forested areas of Utah where they can be seen flying between trees!

June Sucker

The June sucker is one species of fish that is native to Utah can only be found in Utah Lake. Check out more about these fish below!

Viewing Wildlife in Utah

One of the best ways to view wildlife in Utah is by using trail cameras (game cameras). Trail cameras give people a way to view wildlife in Utah from the safety of their homes. This also keeps the wildlife safe as well. Using trail cameras makes it so wildlife can be undisturbed. This can be very important especially in years of drought where food and water are scarce. Trail cameras are also one of the main tools biologists use to watch animals and learn about them by watching their habits. If you would like to learn more about trail cameras click the trail camera 101 button below!

Wildlife in Utah

There is a lot more wildlife in Utah than we have mentioned here for more information on wildlife in Utah, make sure to check out the Division of Wildlife Resources website! Also, check out our list of Mammals in Utah below!