Utah has a large number of mammals! Wildlife in Utah is not uncommon to see. If you need help identifying them check out the list of mammals in Utah below!
Wildlife in Utah, Mammals List

Abert’s Squirrel
This squirrel is often referred to as the tassel eared squirrel because of the long hair on the tips of their ears. This squirrel is mainly found in the southeastern part of the state. It can be found in the daytime hours. They often are found in pine trees, where they live.1

Allen’s Big-Eared Bat
The Allen’s Big-Eared Bat is one of the rarest species of bat. It was discovered in the 1950s and is incredibly rare to see in Utah. This bat can be found in or near rocky mountains, forests, rivers, and swamps. These animals are nocturnal and roost in the day.2

American Beaver
The American Beaver can be found all over Utah. The beaver is found in almost all rivers in Utah. They build their beaver homes in rivers and lakes. Their big front teeth help them to cut down trees for their homes!3

American Bison
Bison are the biggest mammals in Utah. They can be found in the Henry Mountains and on Antelope Island. Bison can weigh between 800 and 2,200 pounds. They prefer wide-open areas that they can roam and graze.4
American Marten
The American Marten can be found in the high remote parts of Utah. They are about 2 feet long and are commonly mistaken for squirrels. Martens are usually solitary animals.5

American Mink
The American Mink has dark brown fur with a little white patch of fur under its chin. The mink can be found in Northern Utah in or near rivers, swamps, and marshes.6

American Pika
The American Pika can be found in the high mountain areas of Utah. The Pika prefers to be near tree lines and rocky slopes. They often gather food in preparation for hard winters when food is scarce.7

Arizona Wood Rat
The Arizona wood rat can be found in the southeastern corner of Utah. These little rats are in the more desert areas of Utah They are small and very hard to find due to their size.8

The badger can be found in grasslands and desert areas and can be found all over Utah. The badger burrows and makes a den underground. Because of this, they can be hard to find in the wild.9

Belding’s Ground Squirrel
The Belding’s ground squirrel can be found in the northwest corner of Utah. These Squirrels hibernate from September to May, so they can only be seen in late spring and summer of every year.10

Big Brown Bat
The big brown bat is the most common bat in Utah. These bats are nocturnal. In the day they can be found roosting on buildings, trees, and rock outcroppings.11

Big Free-Tailed Bat
The big free-tailed bat is located for the most part in the southern part of Utah. This creature is nocturnal and can be seen roosting in the day on cliffs, trees, or buildings.
Black Bear
Black bears are primarily found in forested areas. Bears can be nocturnal and can make it hard to find them in the day. Black bears are the only speciecs of bears in Utah.

Black Rat
Black rats are not native to Utah and were introduced by people travling from other countries. The black rat is increadibly rare to see in Utah.

Black Footed Ferret
The black footed ferret is considered on of the most rarest mammals that you can see. These little guys were considered extinct until a small group of them was found in Wyoming. They were reintroduced in Uintah county in 1999.

Black Tailed JackRabbit
The black-tailed Jackrabbit can be found all over Utah. They like to hide out in sagebrush, lower valleys, and deserts. Black-tailed Jackrabbits can be found at all times of the day and night.

Bobcats can be found all over Utah. They like to stay in areas where there is a lot of cover to help them hide. They are also mostly nocturnal and can be hard to find in the day.

Botta’s Pocket Gopher
The pocket gopher can be found all over Utah. However, they prefer to stay at lower elevations. The gopher burrows underground and can be hard to find because it spends so much time underground.

Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat
The Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat likes to roost in larger groups. They are nocturnal and in the day can be seen roosting on cliffs, forrests, and buildings.

Brush Mouse
The brush mouse can be found all over Utah but is more common in the central and eastern parts of Utah. The brush mouse can be hard to spot because of its size.
Bushy Tailed Wood Rat
This rat is very common in Utah, esepecially in the higher elevations. They are mostly nocturnal and because of this can be hard to find.

Cactus Mouse
The cactus mouse can only be found in Washington County, Utah. They prefer extreme desert climates.

Big Horn Sheep
The bighorn sheep can be found in Utah’s steep mountain slopes. They are starting to be introduced again all over the state. A good place to find them is on Antelope Island or in Indian Canyon near Duchesne Utah.

California Myotis
This is one of the smaller bats in Utah. It can be found all over Utah. These bats are nocturnal and to see them you can go outside at night to look for them in the late spring and summer months.

Canada Lynx
The Canada Lynx is incredibly rare to find in Utah. This cat is listed on the threatened species list. If you see one of these cats make sure to tell the Division of Wildlife in Utah. This will help us keep wildlife in Utah safe for generations to come. Click here to learn more about them.

Cliff Chipmunk
This chipmunk is all over Utah. Its not uncommon to see them run accross the road in front of you driving through the mountains.

Grey Fox
The grey fox can be found all over Utah but is more common to find in central and southern Utah. They are mostly nocturnal but can be seen at all hours of the day. They prefer forested areas.

Coyotes can be found every where in Utah. They can even be found in cities in Utah. If you would like to learn more about coyotes click the coyote button below.
Cotten Tails
Cotten tails can be found all over Utah. A lot of times you can see cotten tails driving on mountian roads at all times of the day.

Shrews are really small and can be found over all of Utah. The average shrew is only 2 and 1/2 inches long. This can make them hard to find!

Elk can be found in the higher elevations of Utah. In winter it can be a little easier to find them as they migrate to lower elevations and can be found in some cities. To learn more about elk click the elk button below!

Ground Squirrel
One of the most common animals to see in Utah is the ground squirrel. They can be found all over Utah in forrested areas.

Prairie Dog
Prarie dogs form colonies all over Utah. You can find them usually in more desert areas. They are known for making burrows underground.

Kit Fox
The kit fox can be found in the southern parts of Utah. It is not a very common animal to see in Utah due to its low numbers in Utah.

Shiras Moose
The shiras moose is the only species of moose in Utah. Moose can be found in areas close to water sources. If you would like to learn more about the Shiras moose click below!

Mountain Goat
The mountain goat was reintroduced to Utah in the 1960s. They can be found in the upper elevations of Utah above timberline.
Mountain Lions (Cougars)
Mountain Lions are all over Utah! They are pretty rare to see without trail cameras. If you would like to learn more about mountain lions click below!

Mule Deer
Mule deer can be found over all of Utah. Mule deer even live in some of the cities. If you would like learn more about mule deer click below!

The porcupine can be found over all of Utah. They are mostly nocturnal but can be seen in the day as well. Porcupines live in hollowed out trees or logs, and caves.

Raccoons can be found all over Utah. They are mostly nocturnal and can be hard to find during the day. It is not uncommon to find them in garbage cans close to the mountains.

River otters can be found in a lot of Utah rivers. They can be rare to see in Utah due to the low population. They often use burrows made by other animals.

The Nutria is very similar to the muskrat. The biggest difference is their tails are slightly more round and hairy. They can be found everywhere the muskrat is.

Proghorns are found all over Utah. They perfer to be in desert and grassy areas. They can usually be found in small groups.

Red Fox
The red fox can be found all over Utah. they even can be found in a lot of cities. They can be seen in both the day and the night.
Ringtails are hard to find in Utah because they are nocturnal. Check out more about them from the tweet from the UtahDWR.
Stripped Skunk
The stripped skunk can be found all over the state of Utah. It is probably best to find these guys with trail cameras.

The wolverine lives in the northern parts of the United States. This is one animal that biologists are not sure is in Utah. According to the DWR they may live in Utah.

This list does not include all the subspecies of bats, rats, and mice
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Accessed May 2, 2021. https://dwrcdc.nr.utah.gov/rsgis2/Search/SearchSelection.asp?Group=MAMMALIA&Species=VERT.