Check out these awesome pictures from Kamas Utah! If you have any Kamas trail camera pictures or videos feel free to send them to, thanks!

Kamas borders the High Uintahs. This area is full of all sorts of animals. In our time in the High Uintahs, we have run into bears, mule deer, and moose! One bull moose we almost hit in the middle of a road in Kamas!
Kamas Moose
We found this moose in the middle of a road in Kamas Utah! We were driving at night and almost hit this guy! He was as big as the Nissan Exterra that we were driving! This is the picture we tried to get of him after he started moving! Watch out for moose on the loose! They are huge!

Utah Trail Camera Laws
There are currently no laws concerning trail cameras. However, there has recently been a law passed that requires the Utah wildlife board to make laws governing the use of trail cameras on public lands. This law will affect setting up any Kamas trail camera in most of the places unless you get permission from landowners in the area.
If you would like to explore more trail camera pictures and videos in Utah, click the Utah trail cameras button below!
If you need tips on how to set up trail cameras up in Kamas, Utah, click the trail camera tips button below!